My Guest Post with Even Steven Money

Today’s post is a throwback from four years ago. From time to time I like to republish guests posts I wrote on other blogs in order to memorialize them here on my blog and also to reflect, to see what has changed and what has remained consistent with respect to my goals and philosophies. The […]

FIRE Starter – Why Owning Assets Leads to Wealth & Freedom


You can find all of Zach’s previous posts here. Today, Zach is going to discuss the importance of owning assets to build wealth and achieve freedom. Your worst enemy in your pursuit of Financial Independence is only being able to generate income by trading your time for dollars. This model doesn’t work, because in it, […]

Open for Business

For as long as I can remember I have pursued money-making ventures – now dubbed “side hustles” in today’s vernacular. Most of my ventures have produced positive economic value, meaning they made money. If you read my “About” page you will see that the plan has always been to eventually transition into full-time entrepreneurship. The […]

Optimism: The World Through My Eyes

Each of us walks our own path, and develops our own perspective on life. You may never understand me or my perspective, and you will definitely have your own. It’s inevitable because we come from different walks of life, were born into different families, different times and places, and have lived different sets of experiences. […]

FIRE Starter: What Would Personal Finance Look Like If It Were Easy?


Zach spent his first three posts providing us with nine actionable tips for savings, investing, and growing wealth in your 20s (part I, part II, and part III). The information in that series has the power to change the rest of your life for those who follow it. He then shared “How Creating a Side […]

Don’t Be So Quick To Dismiss Paying Your Mortgage Off Early

People can tend to get dogmatic and dismissive of paying down a mortgage early. But I really think this is a function of pure ignorance. Maybe they don’t really understand how to evaluate this option against the conventional wisdom that is dished out on the daily. At first blush, it may appear that I have […]

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