My Rich Uncles Got Me Into Commercial Real Estate

My Rich Uncles

For the past six months, we had been thinking that our next big move would be to pick up a 2nd rental property. We were pretty set that we would do this sometime between September of 2015 and March of 2016. Living in Southern California, we were looking at investing in something with a price […]

April 2015 – Detailed Financial Report #4

The year is officially 33% complete.  I can honestly say this is the post I get most excited about writing each and every month. (Mr. CEO here – One thing I want to say right now before we get too far, is that THIS POST….THIS VERY POST is our 50th post. WOW!!! Can you believe […]

Increasing Your Net Worth And The Role Of Income

Net Worth

There was a time in the not too distant past that my entire focus was on growing my income.  These days I am more and more focused on building my net worth, which in theory should build my income (or at least my future income). I have read in many personal finance books and blogs […]

April 2015 – Content Curation

April 2015 Content Curation

Books|Blogs|Videos|Podcasts This monthly series is my attempt to curate the web for you. I probably consume more content than one person should, but I am kind of a knowledge junkie. I don’t just consume content for the sake of consumption. The goal is to always learn something, gain a new perspective, contribute to the conversation, and fuel […]

My plan for $63,000 in Cold Hard Cash

Before you read any further would you do me a favor? Could you help spread the word by sharing this post on social media? [share title=”Help us spread the word” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”] It’s no national secret that my investment accounts are largely flush with cold hard cash. As I write […]

Investing with Options – The Covered Call

Over the years I have taught many friends and co-workers about stocks and options. This was actually one of many impetuses for me to start this blog. Too many people are fooled into believing that options are too risky and complicated. This just isn’t the case and I want to help take your investing to […]

Thursday Rant #3 – Dear Boss, You Suck!

It’s been two months to the day since the office time-keeper threw me under the bus. I guess it should be no surprise that she strikes again. The first time bothered me, but this one absolutely pissed me off. They say, “It is better to be pissed off, than pissed on.” But I am not so sure I agree […]

The First 6 Months of Blogging – By The Numbers

The First 6 Months of Blogging

Has it really already been 6 months? Holy crap that came a hell of a lot quicker than I thought it would. No one told me or warned me how much work it would be to start and grow a blog. It is a lot of work! But more importantly, it has been 10 times more […]

[Guest Post] Mr. CEO’s First Blog Post – EVER

Alright GYFG, I think it’s time for me to start telling people what I have to say since you seem to be having all the fun. Before we get too far, I wanted to throw out a quick “about me” so people know who I am and why I am here. [Mr. GYFG – just for […]

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