July 2015 Content Curation

July 2015 Content Curation

“The art of living easily as to money is to pitch your scale of living one degree below your means.” – Sir Henry Taylor Books|Blogs|Videos|Podcasts This monthly series is my attempt to curate the web for you. I probably consume more content than one person should, but I am kind of a knowledge junkie. I don’t just […]

[Guest Post] Freedom Fighter Interview #11 – Wes

Freedom Fighter

Today we have the 11th in a series of interviews. During this series we will be show casing other Freedom Fighters from around the world. I am excited to introduce you to our eleventh guest, Wes. Read Wes’s awesome story below. And if you would like to be featured in the Freedom Fighter interview series then be sure to check […]

That Email That Led To ^ $60,000 In Compensation

Climbing The Corporate Ladder

Are you setting yourself up for success? In 2015, I was not happy with my job and believed I was underpaid. I took massive action in changing that, and now absolutely love my job and my side hustles. This email I sent to the CEO shows that when you do the work, you earn the right to make the ASK. It’s uncomfortable, but FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD. There are two components to success; 1. Be GREAT at something the market is willing to pay for; and 2. Be GREAT at promoting that skill. Self-promotion is not easy or comfortable, but it is necessary.

[Guest Post] Freedom Fighter Interview # 10 – Alyssa Windell

Generation Y Retirement Account

Today we have the 10th of a series of interviews. During this series we will be show casing other Freedom Fighters from around the world. I am excited to introduce you to our tenth guest (second female), Alyssa Windell of Generation Y Retirement Account. Read Alyssa’s awesome story below. And if you would like to be featured in the […]

Quick 2015 Mid-Year Review

Goal Setting

At the beginning of this year I set goals like I do every year. Except this year I decided to theme my goals as you will see below. It’s always a good idea to check in to see how you’re doing towards those goals. I encourage each and every one of you to run through […]

Thursday Rant #4 – DIY Home Improvement

DIY Rant

If you have been hanging around the personal finance community for any length of time you have probably noticed a trend of DIY’ers (DIY = Do It Yourself). This is especially true from the bloggers that are part of the massive frugality movement. The most prolific of the bloggers, leader of the Extreme Frugality movement, Mr. Money […]

[Guest Post] Freedom Fighter Interview #8 – Kevin Shryock

Today we have the 8th of a series of interviews. During this series we will be show casing other Freedom Fighters from around the world. I am excited to introduce you to our eighth guest, Kevin Shryock of InspiritFinancial.com. Read Kevin’s awesome story below. And if you would like to be featured in the Freedom Fighter interview series then […]

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